Thursday, January 21, 2010

Two Stunning yet Too Short Stories

This past fall I read at the least forty stories in Dr. Aycock's short story class. English 3389 was very enjoyable. Two stories standing in my memory above the rest, ones that would also help us in view of the goals for this course are:

"Respectability" within Sherwood Anderson's Winesburg, Ohio.
"Respectability" is a great short story, one to register in the hearts of all who read it.


"The Kugelmass Episode" by Woody Allen.
"The Kugelmass Episode" is a magical story by way of content and in light of the author's creativity.

Check these stories out if you have the internet and a spare 30 minutes.


1 comment:

  1. I had that class with Aycock 2 semesters ago and you're right it was great.

    From his class Mauppasant(spelling?) was also very entertaining for me.

    Check out my blog for a short description of one of my favorite stories: "The Sharp Dressed Man at the End of the Line".
