Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I'm such a tool.

HAHA! how does she come up with these blog topics?
Tool; 1. an object used to accomplish a certain goal or task, for example: a hoe. 2. the name for a person acting out the previous description, being used for a certain purpose, ie. John is such a tool.

No one would ever admit to being a tool, however, truthfully we are all tools. We are all used by other people for certain goals, to reach certain ends. Is this a shocking truth? No. We all know this, yet do not complain. Why? We don't complain, because we use tools all the time; we use people all day everyday.

The world is one big tool shed. Which tool are you?


  1. I like your observation that we all use others as tools. I think that is important to recognize we are all human and we want our own needs and goals to be met at the end of the day.

  2. HAHA!!! This was entertaining to read, because I'll admit, when I first read the blog assignment I could not help but think about "Tool Academy".

    I like the point you make, that we all use each other to obtain a certain goal. Isn't that a debate somewhere; that people are born selfish? It seems as though I've heard that somewhere. If so, then yes, people are naturally selfish and we use each other as tools to better ourselves. Makes sense in my brain.

  3. I feel like this is perfect. I like how you even put in the actual definition of what a tool is. We all use tools in everyday life as they can be something used to get something done. You are right even people can be tools! (especially if they spike their hair and fake tan)haha

  4. John you never answer a question in a normal way. Then again what is normal? And how do we define it? That is a question for you.
