Thursday, February 4, 2010

La Guera

This is not assigned, let's see who reads it. Before I can type anything else on this blog, and before anyone else speaks praise for "La Guera" in class or via blog, let me get this out:

I hated the story.

Wow, I feel a lot better. I don't hate women, homosexuals, or latinos, but the whole story is her complaining. I understand she is oppressed, and I will show compassion for the oppressed. She was merely complaining. That should be our next blog post: complain about someway in which you are naturally oppressed.

Sorry to all who are offended.
I am oppressed by all who praise this story. She could not control being a latino, homosexual, woman; I cannot help hating "La Guera."



  1. You're a braver man than I. I felt the same way and nearly said something in class. As white men, we are sometimes prohibited from having an opinion on such matters which we can't POSSIBLY understand. I'm not going to get into it, but know that I am there with ya man.
