Tuesday, February 16, 2010

In my opinion...

Is video text? I don't know. It depends on how you define the terms. No, I do not believe video is text. Video is a picture movie in order to relay information; moving pictures. Text is simply words placed in a particular order to accomplish the same end.

The second question however,concerns visual literacy. I believe visual literacy exists. Look specifically at American Cinema in the past 50 years. I took a Cinema class last year. I learned that a lot of the techniques used nowadays within movies could not have been used earlier in the film industry; audiences could not follow the train of thought as well as they can now. Audiences have been trained, they have had practice in understanding what a split screen means, how to interpret a scene where P.O.V. is ever-changing but the music remains throughout, etc. and so on...

Audiences are now visually literate.


  1. Your insight on video text and visual literacy is very interesting. I can see why you would believe that video is not text but now that technology has changed so much I believe our vocabulary has also changed. I believe that video is a form of text but instead of words you read it through video messages and I believe this is where visual literacy also comes in to play.

  2. I see where you are coming from with video. I was kind of thinking how video is becoming the new text but it is ture that you aren't typing anything when dealing with videos. It is interesting to read the different opinions of people.
