Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Style. I don't even know where to begin.

I used to wear woman's clothing; thank you Julie. My sister thought dressing me up in adult woman's clothing was fun and funny. This was my first bitter taste of style, or I guess fashion. The implications are clear. I did and still do not like even the thought of wearing my mother's clothes. I needed to find a style to my own liking.

Flash forward, from 9 years old to grade 9. I am instructed to read Emma. I attempt and that's it. I could not get past the first chapter before finding Sparknotes' version of Jane Austen's wordy "masterpiece." I again avoid a particular style. The similarities between my mother's clothing and this novel are funny if contemplated.

Before I throw up all over my keyboard recalling all I hate, I have enjoyed:

Ender's Game,
Angels and Demons,
Fight Club,
The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket.

In how they were written, what do these have in common?

These amazing books are written in a dialogue fashion but use action words. The frequent action words keep my A.D.D. under raps. Fight Club and A.G. Pym are both told from the perspective of a character in the story. This adds another level of thought to my reading experience. I must decifer the ethos of the narrator. Also, instead of telling me what to feel, these authors draw emotion out through literary devices such as the setting or symbolism.

All four of these books were written with common language, unlike Emma. My memory of Emma is a story filled with stoic language and loooooooooong, draaawn out sentences, small tiny print, squeezed on a page. This I can't stand, like my mom's high-heels and lip stick.


  1. I agree with you that frequent action really keeps me engaged in a book. Especially if a book takes a long time to get started, I will never finish the book. Common language is so much easier to read and relate to. I wonder if this is common with our generation.

  2. Dude, first of all enders game is an amazing book. Second of all your sense of style is a lot like my own. Style that I like is normally the types of topics that I understand and can also relate to easily. It is almost as if our style is truely our own thought process. Which really begs the question of what really style is. Although I would have liked to seen more on the type of sentax you prefer. In the end it was a very interesting post.

  3. I'm not into drugs. Quite opposite actually...I don't fit into the college crowed because I do not drink. Personally I think I write in third person because I'm shy. My sister was always the writer not me...more detail will be in my literacy autobiography.

    Enders Game is the best book ever. Love it love it love it. I like the short insight into your mother. The fact that you like dialogue makes me wonder if the style you really appreciate is drama or plays. Action is fun too. Action takes in mind the fact that readers have a short attention span.

    Interesting ideas. Makes me wonder if you're an adrenaline junkie? ;)

  4. FIght Club is awesome, I just finished it. I really enjoy the way you find new way to answer the blog topics. The one thing that you need to consider is always make the answer clear to the reader. You are entertaining but make sure you don't confuse your reader.
